Treatment is about understanding how things from your past affect who you are today.  During our early years, we create our own perceptions of others and ourselves. These perceptions become our reality.  This reality determines how we feel, what we think, and how we handle certain stressors.  When we come to learn about how our reality was formed and maintained we are then free to feel and think differently in the present. We can then make better choices in life without repeating maladaptive patterns.



The general goal of psychotherapy is to learn about the parts of ourselves that remain hidden or out of our awareness. These parts include our needs, wishes, fears and defenses. These defenses or coping styles that contribute to our conflicts have been our method of survival for most of our lives. Altering our defensive style takes time and a willingness to let go. Within the confines of a trusting, non-judgmental therapeutic relationship, it is hoped that the individual is free to explore, challenge and understand how some of their defensive patterns have kept them from having a more meaningful, peaceful life.

  • An ability to depend appropriately on others
  • Capacity to love others
  • Ability to work or be productive
  • Ability to experience pleasure
  • Removal of distressing symptoms
  • Increase in self-esteem
  • Ability to effectively recognize and handle feelings
  • A sense of identity


We all enter into relationships with preconceived expectations from our partners. We come with our own understanding of what it is to love and to be loved. This perception is usually based on our previous exposure to past relationships in our lives. Sometimes our perceptions can be in opposition to our partner’s perceptions. When this occurs, conflict within the couple ensues. The goal of couple’s therapy begins with a thorough understanding of each individual. This includes their needs, wants and perceptions of giving and receiving love.  Only until we have an appreciation of each partner’s ideas about the relationship and how they were learned and maintained, can we let go of some unrealistic expectations and create a new way of giving and receiving love.

  • Increase communication
  • Increase intimacy/sexuality
  • Establish trust
  • Create a friendship


Sometimes an individual can hold on to certain patterns of relating to themselves and others that they require more than once or twice weekly psychotherapy.  An individual might develop some habits and or conflicts that are deep rooted and demand a more intensive approach. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy offers the individual the space to speak freely in order to explore and understand their continued problems and how they are maintained. With a new understanding, the individual is free to make different choices that lead to changes in behavior.


Dr. Steinbok does not accept Health Insurance, although he will provide you with a statement at the end of the month, which can be submitted, to your PPO for reimbursement as per your plan.

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